Even As I Left Florida

Even As I Left Florida

It is amazing how much has changed this year. Nine months ago, I was starting the new year off the best I ever had before. I was in Bloomington with my best friends AND my boyfriend, and everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Everything was on the right track. The new year was going to be amazing the whole way through (magically).

Nothing ever works that way, of course. Three weeks later the magic of the new year had worn off and things were worse than ever. School was hard, I was unmotivated, and my relationships were suffering and reaching their breaking points.

I don’t know how people forget how to treat the people they love, but I did. I forgot that I can’t be selfish and I have to pay attention to how my words and actions affect others. This is such a simple lesson, one that we learn as children, but it is easy to assume that everyone knows what you’re thinking. They don’t. The people that know me the best still can’t read my mind. I constantly have to remind myself of that. I think being an introverted extrovert has made me think that everyone is in my head with me.

The path I took was not what I expected or planned, but I think I ended up exactly where I thought I would be this year. It’s interesting, because I could easily have ended up using one of those detours as a road to something completely different.